Friday, March 25, 2011

Garden State

He never thought that this could ever happen to him. He had thought himself incapable of it. He had always assumed it to be the kind of stuff that one comes across only in fables. Hell, he had even scoffed at the thought of thinking about it.

But deep inside, there was still this little voice, which now he came to realize, seldom lied. The voice which he had always stifled. And he also knew that it would grow loud and strong one day, strong enough to stop him from ignoring it any further.

Now the time had finally arrived. Arriving in a manner which shattered all his notions, notions he had always known to be false. Notions he had willfully allowed to hoard up, never gathering the courage to face up to the truth and free his cluttered mind of them.

He knew reality was cruel. So he chose to escape.

And then it came, shaking him up from slumber, like a blast of ice cold water on a January morning. More cruel than he had thought it to be.

I snap back. Only to realize that I had long overslept. The window is no longer open, the moment is long gone. Evaporated is the half-chance. Things happen when you least expect them to. The real troubles in life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind: the kind that blindsides you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday.

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