Thursday, April 7, 2011

imperfect encounter

and I look back on that day, when you first saw me
I think it was who I was with, yes that was the key
and I found it hard, I found it hard to breathe
I think it was the stare, yes that did it for me

and it was a weird night, an unusual place to be
'Love the place', said I, 'Totally', said she
and in that moment, it was all I could see
seemed like a scene, straight out of a movie

and so we sat, drinking my assam tea
you wanted black coffee, but I didn't agree
and we talked, we talked of bird and bee
surely the wrong time to put forth my plea

and I was a fool, in more ways than one
losing what I had, and ending up with none
should have kept shut, but I blocked out the sun
the man who knew too much, but felt like an empty gun


  1. so beautifully expressed.. ppo think that latin and greek is what makes one a writer, but its not like tat. smtimes simple lines do take you to the deeper side of the scene..

    i n-joyed reading the mentioned verse..

    if interested, u can check :)

  2. @Gallant_: i agree that keeping it simple and direct usually works. but sometimes, it's not that simple to state your feelings in simple words. you need to hide your thoughts in the fog of complex structures.. that way, your true message gets across only to the intended audience. but then again, i tried doing something different in this post.

    btw, the link that you mentioned.. is that your blog?
