Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sleepy Saturday

Ever had one of those days where you sleep right through them? I mean, you've had a long hard week of work. Okay, not that much hard work, but still a long week. The Manic Monday, which you entirely spent going through the clutter of a few hundred mails which had gathered in your mailbox over the weekend. You didn't even read all of them, but cared enough to just mark them as read. The Torrid Tuesday, on which you actually finished up that piece of work you were supposed to do the previous week. And the Wishful Wednesday, which you spent with conceited ideas about the grandness of the work that you're doing and delusions about the meaningful purpose of the sedentary life that you lead. Then the Truthful Thursday, when you actually realized that you're an inconsequential speck in the universe and what you do (or don't do) doesn't mean shit to anyone else. And lastly, the Favoured Friday, when all you had hatching in your mind were plots to leave early from work, so you can go get sloshed in some shady corner of the city. Well, you get the drift...

And now you have Sleepy Saturday ahead of you, with nothing much that you've planned to do. Of course, you had plans of catching that movie and finishing up that book. But then, eventually you do give in. After only twenty minutes into the movie or fifteen pages into the book, dopiness overpowers you. And you let it do so since it's simply so blissful. Slam the laptop screen shut, or fling away the book... Okay, now I don't really do that. I safely keep aside my precious laptop after putting it on hibernation, or carefully place the book on the bedside table after placing the bookmark, and then I get on with it. Switch over to the dark side, if you know what I mean.

Fast forward n hours (who cares how many hours you slept), and you are sitting up in bed, fully energized, raring to go and conquer the world, and that's when you glance at your watch. The entire day has passed and now you have only the whole night ahead of you. And you obviously can't go back to sleep, because...well, now you can't sleep. It's like being left high and dry with a boner and all you can do is take matters into your own hand. That's what you might actually do to while away time once you've woken up like this in the middle of the night. Obviously, you're hungry too, so you cook up a quick omelette to nibble on and brew a cup of tea for yourself. The chai is an absolute must because that's the first thing I want on waking up, irrespective of the iniquitous hour I wake up at.

Then you finally get round to watching that movie you wanted to, go on to watch a couple of tv series episodes too, check your gmail and facebook to find other nocturnal creatures out there, get bored and shut down your laptop. But the night is still young and you're still not sleepy enough to go back to sleep again. Ah, what else is there to be done in the world, you wonder. Might as well try writing something which you're pretty sure will end up as a superfluous rant. And congratulations, you've succeeded at that.

Should probably get on with the book now and wait for Smug Sunday. Oh, it's here already!


  1. quite good.... it's more like I'm reading a Sidney sheldon's book!!! :P:P

  2. each day aptly described... nice work :)
